Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – Classic Era

Sonic 2 is a game so many of us grew up on and is the Classic Era Sonic game that I have the strongest connection to; played through this a lot of times both when I was little and when I was in high school XD!

This is one of the sequels to Sonic 1, as while production of Sonic 2 progressed, ideas about time travel and level design ideas/concepts were brought to the table. At some point, Sega was like “You know what, lets make this two games” and thus Sonic 2 was split in half. One half was a platforming-focused time traveling adventure that really pushes the mechanics from Sonic 1 (momentum physics) while the other half was a speed focused sequel with level designs pushing for more forward-focused platforming (though extra paths and exploration was still present).

Will cover CD latter, as I love that game a lot, but Sonic 2 rocks and I want to talk about that first :D.

The core gameplay is the same, Sonic runs super fast & rolls around….but he has a new move; the spin-dash. He can rev-up in place by mashing the button while holding down on the D-Pad. Letting go lets you move with a burst of speed, allowing you to really take advantage of the level design and get through lops even faster.

Sonic also has a new friend this time out; Miles ‘Tails’ Prower. He is a two tailed fox that was bulled growing up and after being inspired by Sonic’s heroic’s, started following him around. He kept up and Sonic to him in as his side kick and younger brother. Together, they fight Dr. Robotnik who is attacking South Island.

The set up is the same as Sonic 1, but with the third act for each stage cut (outside of one zone toward the end of the game). You have two acts, with a boss at the end as special stages to complete by collecting 50 rings and jumping through a ring that generates after hitting a checkpoint. Its simple, so you can just jump in and have fun :D.

What Sonic 2 does so well is the focus on speed. Sonic 1 has levels like Green Hill, Spring Yard and Starlight Zone that pushes speed but it doesn’t compare to Sonic 1. Chemical Plant, Casino Night, and more push speed far more then any stage in Sonic 1 and it feels so great rolling super fast down hill.

Sonic 2’s stages are really ironic as well, considering many of its level themes are still used today in the series:

I love many of these zones and they are such a blast to process.


Anyway, the music here is fantastic, like any Sonic title.

Emerald Hill
Chemical Plant
Aquatic Ruin
Casino Night
Mystic Cave
Secret/Unused Track: Hidden Palace Zone

Really great soundtrack and each track fits its stage like a glove.

Overall, wonderful Sonic game and something I’m sure we all played before :D!

If you have a 3DS, play the 3D Classic’s version or if you have a Smart Phone, play the release head by Taxman and Stealth.

That version is special, as not only can you play as all the Classic Era cast (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles) but you have Hidden Palace Zone fully restored! Its a two-act zone like the others and its great to see original content being added-in to a decade-old game :).

Here is gameplay footage if you are interested :D.

Versions you can play the game with:
PS3: Digital PSN Release or part of Sonic Genesis Collection
360: Digital XBLA Release or part of Sonic Genesis Collection
X1: BC with Digital XBLA Release
PSP: Sega Genesis Collection
PS Vita (only if you have a PS3 hooked up for NA PSN): Sega Genesis Collection (via PS3-to-Vita transfer)
PC: Digital Version
iOS/Android: Digital Game
Nintendo Wii/Wii U: Virtual Console (Wii Mode)
3DS: 3D Classics Version

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